Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Not surprisingly, December was one of our slowest months. Because Christmas and New Year landed on Sundays, we only had two meetings this month. One in Amarillo and the other in Burleson. We enjoyed catching up with some old friends in Amarillo and were grateful for the meetings we had during one of the busiest times of the year. We cannot believe we are within a MONTH of leaving for Brazil!
This has perhaps been the most exciting month of our deputation. So many incredible things have been happening in the past month. Since the beginning of our deputation, we have looked ahead with the goal of making it to Brazil as quickly as possible, yet unsure as to how soon that could possibly be. Now, as of this month, we can see the end of our deputation journey! WE HAVE PURCHASED OUR TICKETS FOR OUR FLIGHTS TO BRAZIL!!! What we have been traveling and working for these 14 months is finally coming to completion. We will be flying directly into Caxias do Sul, Brazil on January 24th of 2023! We praise the Lord for all of His provision and protection during our travels.
October has easily been our busiest month of deputation, but it was also one of the most rewarding times. The generosity of the churches we have met with has been overwhelming. Within two months, we have jumped from 48% to 78% support! We praise God for how incredible he has been to us. We grow closer and closer to the end of our deputation, and look back at this crazy month with fondness.
Wow! What a month September has been! September marks many particular highlights for us. First, we have OFFICIALLY been on deputation for ONE FULL YEAR! We launched out on the deputation trail a year ago, and the Lord has blessed us so much. Second, this has by far been the busiest month of our deputation so far. Within two weeks, we took part in four different missions conferences. It has been busy and exhausting, and we have another fully booked month coming up.
For August we went to Houston. Everyone said we were crazy for going to Houston in the heat of summer, but it was cooler and wetter than anywhere we have been for the last three months. We enjoyed moderate temperatures, beautiful sights, empty beaches, and wonderful meetings. Driving was a little terrifying, but besides that, we had a wonderful time in Houston.
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